RE: A post and discussion on morality. Bethany, your bravery and boldness has brought up such an important topic that we most often shy away from, and generally feel uncomfortable discussing: the pervasiveness of sexual immorality our culture. Among those who believe the Bible is divinely inspired: Who here is glad for how much nudity exists in TV and movies? Who is happy that pornographic content is so accessible, anonymous and affordable (the three A’s of addiction)? Who is thankful for the increase of sexualized photos…Continue Reading “Who’s Responsible?”

When’s the last time you set out to accomplish much more than you knew you were capable of? I mean, really stretched yourself. I’m talking — to the point that if you tried to explain what you were doing to anyone else, they’d either try to talk you out of it, or at the very least pity you for being so abundantly dumb. We don’t collectively try this as a culture. For the most part, it’s not safe. Don’t believe me? Try it. You’ll find…Continue Reading “Passion”

I went for a run for the first time in a long while this evening. A mile and a half in, I had to drop my dog Bailey off at the house. She was dragging me down (a surprise for those who may know her energizer-bunny-esque energy). Heading back out to the street, I’d decided I wanted to run the next full mile. The last time I’d clocked myself on a mile run was…a few years ago. So after downloading the Nike Run app and logging…Continue Reading “Not gunna quit”

There is  lots of dissension amongst Romney supporters post-election, or more accurately, anti-Obama advocates. It is right to speak our minds and to encourage those around us, and to fight for justice. However, let’s make sure our hearts are in the right place.   2 Timothy 1:7, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”   There is no reason to fear or to worry. We know that God has authority over all…Continue Reading “Do we fight for politics or for faith?”

I stumbled across this picture in one of those typical internet articles titled, ’50 People You Wish You Knew in Real Life”, in which the picture was captioned, “Whoever this very adventurous kid is…so you can go hiking with him”.  I thought this was pretty funny, and instantly kind of wanted to go hiking with this guy. Later in the week, I had come around to thinking about how awesome that kid was. You have to admit, he looks ridiculously fearless. His fist looks like…Continue Reading “That Kid”

Leadership This week marked a year that God has placed me in the work of the church. In reflection of the past year, I’ve realized that while I have gained an incomprehensible measure of value in relationships – God has far more blessed me through humility, usually followed by some form of much undeserved godly wisdom. Some day, I will take the time to journal those revelations. For now, here’s what comes to mind… One of the greatest things I’ve learned is that solid leadership…Continue Reading “Leadership”

Issue: So the question is, how do we act with child like faith, letting God make all the important decisions for us, without becoming lazy or idle? I used to get caught up on this, and still struggle with it from time to time: the balance between being a light to the world and being separated, holy, and righteous unto God. Example: My personal issue had always been that when I pursued God, listened to His voice, and acted according to His Word, I became…Continue Reading “Understanding Part II”

It’s been several months since I have been in a habit of writing. I feel that God may be telling me that I can begin again. Sometimes it can be difficult to discern the voice of the Lord. I remember sitting in youth camps listening to leaders trying to convey to me how to hear the voice of the Lord. They would tell me that I would know it was the voice of the Lord if it was something that I normally wouldn’t think of,…Continue Reading “Writing Again”

Alpha & Omega must be understood wholly, without separation. Yet between the two, we focus on God primarily as creator, not as finisher. I believe that this is why we put so much emphasis in our desires to plateau. While we ponder the mysteries of the beginning of earth – we do not spend an incredible amount of energy on it because we know that God Himself is the beginning; and, we know to a certain extent that we will never fully understand how earth,…Continue Reading “Kingdom Does Not Arrive”

We are all familiar with the communication barriers between men and women. On the edge of pursuit, it is common to confuse a woman’s friendliness for intrigue, and vice versa. After the realization of rejection, the expected response tends to resemble something along the lines of, “but I thought she…” you finish the rest. Being that it is so easy to confuse signals between man and woman, how much easier is it to misinterpret a gesture from God to man? Amos was a prophet during…Continue Reading “I thought…”