(Myself and my good friend Dustin Cox) It’s amazing to see what God is doing in the lives of those around us. We should want to be so strong in our faith that we are eager every morning to see what God is doing in the world Certain people are called to bigger missions than dreams could possibly imagine. These world changers are able to speak so brilliantly that they stir up a sort of spiritual excitement. While these people seem to be making a…Continue Reading “It’s Simple: Pray”

Ok, so this is kind of random and not typical blog like material from me. However, I think it’s kinda relevant to a lot of people. The style of this writing may seem boring to some of you, and that’s only because I was required to write this for a class in APA format. However, I was really excited about writing this, and put a descent amount of thought into it. I could have made it 10 pages longer, but we had a maximum of…Continue Reading “The Truth about Divorce”

You are holy Lord. Angels proclaim this to God. For He left his throne, the perfect kingdom, and gave it up to take our place upon the cross. This is holy. This is Righteous. Our Father sacrificed it all and tore down the walls that kept us apart. And as the dust faded from the aftermath, only His love remained. It seems crazy that after a millennium we still struggle to realize that these walls no longer exist. Religion is broken. James and Paul are…Continue Reading “God Chasers”

I love great days. Great days are awesome. Get an A on a test. Impress my boss at work. Talk to a cute girl. Have no problems. Do really good at a video game. Clean my car. Do my laundry. Finish a long procrastinated project. Good days are amazing. But dang. How bad are bad days? Seriously. Do terrible on a test you think you did good on. Make a major screw up at work. Get turned down by the girl you like. Have TONS…Continue Reading “Why so serious?”

Let’s take a travel in time. I wonder how crazy you would appear to Aristotle by telling him that the galaxy is heliocentric, as opposed to his geocentric theory; that all the planets and stars revolve around the earth. I wonder how insane you must appear to pre-Columbus civilizations to tell them there is a half of an earth yet to be discovered. I wonder how ridiculously stupid you would come across to 17th century pilgrims to tell them that slaves are actually equal! That…Continue Reading “Unbelievable. Really.”

Well, my goal in life is happiness. I am happy when my friends and family are happy. If you want to make me happy, be my friend.. and a happy one. I don’t really care what i do for fun, so long as it’s not getting smashed, high, or incarcerated. I’m a student everywhere. I’ve gone from Evangel to UNT to Grayson County College to Collin County College, and now back to Evangel.. I changed schools pretty much every time I changed my major, premed…Continue Reading “About Me”

Clockwork, the mystery of time,What makes a tick and a tock?A church marked by grief entwined,And facts of that behind this keyless lock? Intelligence, the epitome of brilliance,Discounting truth unto bliss.Forging nickels where there’s no cents,And this is never amiss? Depression, the derivative of laziness comes,Confusing peace as a satisfied idleness.Equating joys as effortless perfections,In such a flawed world of incongruousness.Clockwork that force that chains us weak. Intelligence that thought that grows a weed.Depression that feeling which makes us reek.Love that which from all things…Continue Reading “Misunderstood”

“We are all just morsels of our own reality, awaiting a fixation of our glooming destiny. We are sealed to the fate with which we bind ourselves through actions, our words, our thoughts. We are that which we fear, that which we hate, that which we love and that which we cherish. We are our highest dreams locked in a box to which the key is hidden inside. We can not turn the tide which we have risen, we can not calm the storm we…Continue Reading “Destiny”

Fixated a reality around a dream unconscious. Everything is perfect,but even perfection has its flaws. An escape inconceivable glooms inside.A destiny undecided agitates anxiety within.The surroundings cognizant bellow below.The motivation absent shrieks above. Waiting for the dream to end,Waking to a reality unfamiliar.Wake the dreamer, and lose the dream.Let him be, and lose the drive. Prolonging for an ignition of some reputable course.Yet that valiant value verily visits the dream.The dream awaits the dreamer’s commencement,Upon which the fire is lit to burn the torch that…Continue Reading “Sleep, oh Dreamer”

Waking up, I’ve nothing to do. Full of energy, empty of obligations. I think over and over. What am I to do? I ponder. Life and it’s wonders, its monstrosities, its mysteries. So I write.. Yesterday I was in physics recitation. My TA is of middle eastern descent. He speaks several (7?.. I think) languages, very well rounded on the different cultures of the world. He decided to give class a 5 minute break before beginning discussion on Kirchoff’s Law. I learned something in that…Continue Reading “Good Morning Self”